a friend is...
a TISSUE when you can't stop crying,
a SHOULDER when you feel like dying,
always LISTEN when you have something to say,
a WEEK when you just need a DAY,
a CRUTCH when you have a BROKEN HEART,
some GLUE when everything FALLS APART,
a SUN when the rain just WON'T STOP,
your MOM when you run into a COP,
PHONE CALL when you can't leave your home,
HAND when you feel all ALONE,
WING if you want to FLY,
UNDERSTANDS without knowing WHY,
an EAR for a secret to TELL,
an ASPIRIN when you feel UNWELL,
a LOVE that can never LET GO.
i love you friends.
4 orang komen:
ambo syg saing ambo jgop
ahahahaha.... molek la gitu gak. biar ore x sayang ko kita, asal kita sayang ko org.. :p
hi9 po Nabi Muhammad la mula2 dl
erm.... x sama la.....
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